Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Honey, Why do you love me?

Innocent question, but when asked by your wife with next to no notice or warning, there's a likelihood that you'll be caught off gaurd!


Be very careful when answering this seemingly innocuous question, asked with a very cute expression on her face in order to disarm you, because the way you answer this question will determine the general mood for the next few hours, whether you get lucky that night, whether you get breakfast the next morning, whether you get more than a grunt as a reply for the following week, and it may just have an impact on the rest of your married life! Heavy isn't it? so be very sure, take your time, be cute, use evasive actions if you have to, like asking her the question back, to which you will most often get the reply of "I asked you first" but still do it anyway on the off chance that she takes the bait and goes off on a diatribe of why she loves you. However, this tactic is a double edged sword because at the end of her monologue if she still remembers to say "your turn" you not only have to answer the question still, but you have to out do her reasons for loving you for her to be truly satisfied.

One fine day, you'll be sitting on the couch watching tennis on mute and having a "quality" conversation with your wife, and you'll  be talking about friends, and bitching about relatives and how we'll handle the month's budget and then suddenly out of nowhere, it'll come, the dreaded question, honey, why do you love me? Now you know you love her, and you probably do for all the right reasons, god save you if you don't love her, but no matter how good an orator or writer you are, you'll be stumped when asked, to come up with a genuine, from the heart answer on the spot. So like I said above, you try and evade, the first thing you say as soon as you hear it is "where did that come from?" oh and smile, for god's sake smile when you say this, don't forget the cute expression, she'll say it was just a random thought. Trust me it wasn't. She probably was talking to a friend earlier that day and they would've discussed this already and she would've heard her friend's fantasy story of how her husband still loves her the way he did before marriage, and your wife would've sold her a similar if not better story. But now she wants to confirm how much she oversold you, how deep in the water she really is, hence the surprise question.

So after the first cute question and the attempt to ask the question back, if she’s still at it, then try the stupid, “you come up with the strangest questions” statement. Now that one’s supposed to signal the end of the conversation, and as soon as you say that you need to go back to the tennis or the newspaper or book or whatever, but in all probability, she’ll still be there and she’ll switch off the TV or snatch the newspaper out of your hand, lock eyes, and hit you with it again, “Why do you still Love me?” Now, since the eyes have been locked, there’s no getting away, now you do have to come up with something, word of advice though, it has to be genuine, it has to be from the heart, most of all it has to be true.

Stumped? Don’t be just tell her, that in your eye she’s still as beautiful as she was when you first met, you still love her because living with her has turned out to be everything you had hoped for and much much more. That you would not have it any other way, and would not want to wake up next to anyone else every morning. You love her because she wakes up in the morning when she doesn’t have to and makes you breakfast, she drops you to work, she cleans up after you, she takes care of you when you fall ill, she sits through stupid action movies coz you like them, she skips shopping coz you want to go home and watch the football match or you’re just plain tired, she actually watches the cricket/football with you coz she doesn’t want to miss out on time with you, she cooks for you and most of all coz she loves you back and accepts you the way you are with all your faults and vices!

So next time, be prepared J

1 comment:

  1. I swear I was NOT that friend! and I can totally imagine the two of you in that whole "fictional" set up :P So I'll also be surprised if you still find Saba at home when you return :P
